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Giving Thanks in 2021

With Thanksgiving around the corner, the SoulSpring Team wanted to share what they are thankful for this year.

Marie Labranche

"I love this time of year! I'm a Thanksgiving baby and that's fitting with my attitude of gratitude. I am super grateful that what the enemy sent for harm, God has used for my good (Genesis 50:20). I am grateful for (new) love, the completion of long journeys (Ph.D.), family and friends, life, and continuing health."

Cindy Gourley

"What I am most grateful for is my family & friends -- both human and furry. Daily I miss, but I am also thankful for, the parents I was blessed with. Because of my daughter’s health struggles, I appreciate every day of health. I’m grateful to have a loving significant other by my side, and my beautiful dog Molly on my other. I am lucky to have so many wonderful friends in my life. Some I have known as far back as elementary school! I live in a gorgeous city, Sarasota, with some of the world’s most amazing beaches…so much to give thanks for! I know we all go through challenging times. Even when things seem dire, there are always silver linings we can focus on."

Grace Childs "Gratitude is a state of being that I try to stay in touch with all year round, every moment of the day. Yes, even through the mundane tasks of cleaning the dishes or getting stuck in traffic. Why? Because in all things there are layers upon layers of things to be grateful for … always. When I am in gratitude, I cannot be a victim. Period. When I am in gratitude, I am the creator of my life. Sure, I've been dealt many painful blows in my life. Despite and through them all, I still have inner peace, a spiritual connection, and physical health. I smile because there is always something to be grateful for!"

Mary Rivas "I am thankful for seeing the evidence of God’s hand in my life and for the faith it has produced. This year I am especially grateful for marrying my husband and starting a new family! I am also so grateful for good health, the SoulSpring Counseling team, and for the opportunity to be a positive impact in the lives of others."

Jennifer Alminana

“I’m extremely grateful for my health this year as always. I’m grateful for a year of miracles, especially the birth of our first child, Jacob Max. In my professional life, this year has brought so many wonderful clients to my practice who are willing to be vulnerable and honest. It is such a joy to help them improve their mental health and well being. I look forward to a year ahead filled with love, gratitude and success.“

Wynne Stallings

"Every day I thank God that I have everything I need for life -- nutritious food, adequate clothing, clean running water, safe and comfortable shelter. Everything in my "domain" is doing well: my home, my dog, my car, my business, and even myself! Anything that I want or feel I "lack" is really a first world problem, and even for that I am grateful. Sure, it's easy for me to get sidetracked and feel sorry for myself for things I don't have, but it is not healthy for me to stay in that state of mind. I am so grateful for my eternal life with God, my business, and for my ride or die good handful of lifelong friends.

Days like today, 81 degrees in the "winter" months, sitting outside with my face soaking up the sun, are pure bliss. My blessings are many."


Wishing you a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving holiday.

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