Addiction Consultation
Addiction consultation for the whole family
Recovering in isolation can be extremely difficult, but when the whole fam is involved, addicts have a much greater chance at making a sustained recovery. Even more, each member of the family can find their own peace of mind. When all are in recovery, all can win!
With #teamsoulspring you can:
Unite your family with a single plan
Cope during a sobriety transition
Handle a relapse as a group
Move forward with clearly defined boundaries
Become more loving in your interactions
Get referred to organizations that can help active addicts and the family as well
Let go of trying to control, transform chaos to clarity, and receive the peace of mind that follows
Not one of you has to keep living this way any longer. See how change is possible. Listen to this podcast>> of Wynne debunking addiction myths and sharing what has worked for families dealing with an addicted loved one.