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Group Therapy

Get with people who get you


How we act in group therapy is nearly identical to how we show up in life. In group therapy everyone we’re sitting across is one of our mirrors -- the group members and even the therapists -- who show us the beautiful things about us that we don’t see. And you’ll learn, in a safe way, the self-imposed challenges you need to address so you're now empowered you to change your life.

Group sessions are for you if:

  • You want to better understand how you relate to others

  • You want to get feedback from your peers in a safe space

  • Without saying a word, you want to see that others "get you" because they're struggling just the same as you

  • You want to heal in connections with others

Adult Child Healing Groups

“Action Coming from Love”

Recovering from the effects of growing up in a dysfunctional home requires finding the

courage to lay down our protective "survival skills" and open up more choices to act, instead of react.

This group provides a therapist-led healing space specific to adults wishing to heal current problematic behaviors that may have roots in their childhood pain.



  • Struggle with interpersonal relationships or a sense of confidence in their abilities, or both.

  • Struggle with their own mental health or addiction issues behind closed doors.

  • Grew up in homes which were consistently lacking nurture, affirmation, & empowerment and/or were abusive, punitive, or otherwise chaotic.

  • Identify as Adult Children of Alcoholic or Dysfunctional Families.



  • TIME: Thursday Nights: 6:00 – 8:00 pm

  • DATES: 8 weekly group sessions

  • COST: $75/group or $550 if PIF ***Must commit financially to all sessions

  • LOCATION: The Center, 1408 N. Killian Dr., Ste 105, Lake Park, FL 33403

Connect with Other Adult Children of

Alcoholic or Dysfunctional Families

Adult Children of Alcoholics_Dysfunctional Families5.png

Did You Know....

Persons who grew up in homes which were consistently lacking nurture, affirmation, & empowerment and/or were abusive, punitive, or otherwise chaotic, often share a number of traits as a result of growing up in these homes. Both the “People Pleaser” and the “Narcissist” come from dysfunctional homes; they are two sides of the same coin. All Adult Children struggle with interpersonal relationships or a sense of confidence in their abilities, or both.


Many Adult Children know what it’s like to appear successful to the outside world, only to be struggling with their own mental health or addiction issues behind closed doors. Living the “False Self” decade after decade is exhausting. Recovering from the effects of growing up in a dysfunctional home requires finding the courage to lay down our protective “survival skills” and open up more choices to act instead of react. The fellowship of Adult Children of Alcoholics/Dysfunctional Families states, “The Solution [to healing] is to become your own loving parent.” Here are some excerpts:   


“The healing begins when we risk moving out of isolation. By gradually releasing the burden of unexpressed grief, we slowly move out of the past. We learn to re-parent ourselves with gentleness, humor, love and respect. When we release our parents from responsibility for our actions today, we become free to make healthful decisions as actors, not reactors. We progress from hurting, to healing, to helping. We awaken to a sense of wholeness we never knew was possible…You will not do this alone. Look around you and you will see others who know how you feel. This is a spiritual program based on action coming from love. We are sure that as the love grows inside you, you will see beautiful changes in all your relationships, especially with God, yourself, and your parents.” 

For this Group...

This group uses action methods developed by J.L. Moreno commonly referred to as “Psychodrama”. The power of action-based therapy is that while the body is in action, the brain rewires itself when new behaviors are tried, practiced, and learned. In an action-based group, we don’t just talk about it, we be about it! 

Through Action Methods we will:

  • Group 1: Introductions, Establishing Group Norms/Safety, Identifying Supportive Resources  


  • Group 2: Learn Grounding Exercises, Explore Adult Child Criteria/Identification, Use Resources to Cope 

  • Group 3: Explore Family Types, Sculpt Family-Of-Origin & Receive a “Corrective Experience” 

  • Group 4: Practice Self Love & Receiving Love 

  • Group 5: Identify & Dialogue with the Inner Child 

  • Group 6: Identify & Activate Your Inner Loving Parent

"I have survived the forces that would have weakened or even annihilated me, and my Soul has sprung free and open to the beauty of Life."   

-- Daily Affirmations of Adult Children of Alcoholics 

Together, we discover and explore the following common challenges:

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Anger management

  • Coping with addicts

  • Codependency issues

  • Recovery and self care

  • Compulsive behavior recovery

  • Conflict resolution

  • Sexual abuse recovery

  • Grief and loss support

  • Family of origin recovery

  • Conflict resolution

  • And so much more. The possibilites are endlesss!

If you're interested in joining a group session, or if you have an idea for upcoming group, let us know!

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