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Teen Mental Health is in Crisis 

When your kids feel like no one gets it, and parents, you don't get them either, #teamsoulspring can take it from here

From that first step, first word, and first time tying their shoes….. to the millionth teenage eye-rolling fight, growing up can feel more like breaking apart, and your kids and teens are starting to feel like no one gets it -- you know it’s true because they remind you constantly. They’re spending more and more time alone in their rooms and if you’re honest, sometimes you don’t even recognize them anymore. Maybe it's time for someone other than Mom and Dad to help get them through this one.

We help adolescents:

  • Cope with negative feelings

  • Replace destructive thoughts and behaviors with healthier ones

  • Cope and overcome trauma

  • Alter their daily interactions in a more loving way

  • Become confident in their strengths

  • Find their voice. You know, the nice one

When you don't understand them anymore, help your child get understood

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